Journalists need a professional identification document to introduce themselves or to enter locations where access is restricted in order to cover news. The International Press Card (IPC) has been meeting this need in more than 130 countries since 1927.
The IPC is granted to people who engage in journalism professionally, in accordance with journalistic principles and media ethics, based on the assessment of professional organizations that are members of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). Since only institutions can become members of the federation, having this card does not imply individual “IFJ membership.”
1- How can I apply for the IPC?
As a first step, please carefully read the information provided on this page. If you believe that you meet the necessary requirements, click on the “Click for application form” link at the bottom of this page and fill out the requested information completely. When filling out the form, pay special attention to ensuring that the address you want the card to be sent to is complete and that the photo you want printed on the card has a white background.
2- I filled out and submitted the application form, but I did not receive any notification via email or phone. What should I do?
After filling out the form and clicking the “Submit” option, you will see a notification that “Your response has been recorded” on the page that opens next. This means that your application has reached the Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) successfully. No further notification of receipt is provided.
3- How does the process work after I submit my application?
There is an IPC Evaluation Board within the TGS that meets at the end of each month to review the IPC applications received during the previous period. After this meeting, all applicants are notified via email about the result of this evaluation.
4- When can I receive my card?
If your application is successful, your card will be mailed to the address you specified in your application within the week following your payment of the card fee to the TGS bank account.
5- When do I pay the card fee?
The card fee is requested after your application has been accepted, not during the application process. The email notification that your application has been accepted will also provide the TGS bank account number for payment.
6- How long is the validity period of the card?
The IPC is valid for two years. At the end of this period, you need to reapply. For card renewal, the application form must be filled out completely as if applying for the first time.
7- How much is the card fee?
TGS members working in workplaces with collective bargaining agreements pay the equivalent of 35 euros in TRY, while other applicants pay the equivalent of 45 euros in TRY to obtain their cards. The TRY equivalent is based on the exchange rate on the date of payment.
8- I paid the card fee. How do I receive the card?
After paying the card fee to the bank account number provided, you need to respond to the email from TGS, with your payment receipt attached. After this, your card will be mailed to the address you provided during the application period.
9- Who does not need to submit a professional portfolio and reference letter to apply for the IPC?
TGS members engaged in journalism activities do not need to submit a professional portfolio and reference letter. However, other applicants are required to provide these documents.
10- Can freelance journalists apply for the IPC?
Yes, both freelance journalists and those employed full-time by a media organization can apply for the IPC.
11- How can I become a TGS member?
To become a TGS member, you need to be employed as a worker covered by insurance (SGK) in a media company (either subject or not subject to the Press Labor Law No. 5953), and complete the union membership procedures via e-government (e-devlet).
12- I have additional questions about the IPC that were not answered in these instructions. How can I contact you?
If you have any other questions regarding the IPC application process, you can email them to us at
The documents that need to be added to the application form are as follows:
OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT: A photograph of the identification page of a valid national identity card, driver’s license, or passport.
RESIDENCE PERMIT: Residing in Turkey is one of the application criteria to get an IPC through the TGS. Journalists who do not reside in Turkey need to apply for an IPC via a journalism organization authorized by the IFJ in the country where they reside.
AT LEAST ONE REFERENCE LETTER: Both full-time and freelance journalists who are not TGS members need to submit a letter written on the letterhead of a media organization that publishes their work, signed by the editor or manager of that organization, and indicating the duration of time and number of news articles the applicant has worked on for that organization.
Important points to note for the reference letter:
- The organization’s name, logo, and full address must be written on its letterhead.
- At the end of the letter, there must be the date, signature, and stamp of the organization providing the reference.
- The representative of the organization providing the reference should clearly state in the letter the journalistic activities carried out by the applicant for the organization.
PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO: A selection of journalism works by the applicant that meets the following activity criteria (links to online content or other materials such as videos of news broadcasts if aired on television):
- The applicant must have published at least 10 news articles (special reports/content with the journalist’s byline) with a media organization during the last two years.
- Qualified journalistic works in any medium and form, whether text or audiovisual content, can be added to the application file as a professional portfolio. Examples include web links to news texts, audio files, scanned newspaper pages, links to video journalism works on YouTube or Vimeo, etc.